Unify your care provision to optimise diagnostic ordering and result reporting
Bridging the technology divide by providing an electronic request channel that you can order diagnostic procedures and tests upon, Clinisys ICE processes more than 40 million patients and 93 million requests each year.
Installed in over 120 NHS Trusts, Clinisys ICE covers primary, secondary and community care for multiple diagnostic specialties – Pathology, Radiology, Cardiology, and Endoscopy.
Powering effective analysis and reporting
ICE OpenNet: Allows separate ICE systems to communicate using internal web services, allowing users to view their patients’ results, located on other ICE systems, alongside their own.
ICE Diagnostic Hub: Shares results from across the region to give clinicians a holistic view to support patient care.
ICE Gateway: For a service, e.g. Community Health or Mental Health sitting outside of an individual Trust, that uses several Trust ICE systems to support the ordering for patients.
Trusted integration
This gives your teams the ability to rely on best of breed systems configurable to
The ICE product suite also provides additional functionality which helps to reduce sample errors, prevent duplicate requests and enable faster patient discharges. All of which help contribute to improved patient outcomes.
Increased data visibility
Gain a comprehensive picture of patient results with history graphs and images that help to identify new, urgent or abnormal results faster.
Ensure your laboratory has access to essential data and advanced notice of incoming tests to address unexpected peaks in workload.
Responsive design
Our modern, intuitive user interface makes it easier and faster to access all the relevant information your teams need on a wide range of devices.
Whether your teams are working from a desktop or laptop in the lab, or a mobile device beyond the lab they are reliable and seamless.
Advanced sample collection
Clinisys ICE incorporates a comprehensive sample management solution enabling clinical users and phlebotomy staff to utilise handheld devices at the patient’s bedside for sample collection, and wristband and sample printing.
Enhanced network connectivity
A patient may have test results in multiple Trust systems that are not visible in one place, resulting in GPs and other healthcare professionals being unaware of recent test requests and associated results.
ICE can be used to cross organisational boundaries such as pathology networks, ICS and cancer networks to ensure a central and complete patient history of test results, regardless of where they were requested, which essential for clinical and diagnostic purposes.
Supporting effective clinical decisions
Benefitting from full integration to MedCurrent iRefer CDS and incorporating over 300 Royal College of Radiologists approved guidelines, clinicians have real-time, evidence-based guidelines at the point of care, helping to reduce inappropriate imaging and improving outcomes.
Related products
ICE sample collection
The pathology service at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) in Harlow has introduced the CliniSys Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) sample collection module to improve efficiency and experiences for their patients and staff.
Clinical Decision Support
Integration of MedCurrent’s OrderWise® Clinical Decision Support with CliniSys’ Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) enables real-time, evidence-based guidance at the point of care by leveraging iRefer Guidelines from the Royal College of Radiologists.
Clinisys WinPath
Our Laboratory Information System, GLIMS, provides a single solution for all mainstream laboratory disciplines, as well as for genetics.