Grow a profitable hospital outreach business
Enabling a successful hospital outreach program
Providing high-quality and rapid test results is only part of the challenge of building a successful outreach service. Clinisys Atlas helps you solve operational and commercial challenges to achieve greater efficiency and improved profitability.
Proven workflows to compete in a dynamic market

Build a loyal community of ordering physicians
Whether you engage with local physician practices, nursing homes, or other referring organizations, Clinisys Atlas enables you to build loyalty and trust among your community. Our solution offers flexible workflow configurations and customized reports that allow your organization to configure specific resulting preferences and report templates within your provider community.

Integration to internal and external systems
Integration is the key to a successful outreach program. Our extensive interface capabilities allow you to establish secure connections between your community practitioners, your laboratory and health system. Once established, these connections facilitate clean and billable inbound order routing and electronic results delivery.

Automated data collection, billing and payment lifecycle
Failure to collect essential billing data means revenues cannot be collected and time is wasted error-handling. Billing and demographic data validation through Clinisys Atlas at the time of order acceptance speeds up payment processing from payors and reduces the risk of bad debts

Handling the complexity and scale of large health groups
Using our extensive connectivity capabilities, Clinisys Atlas can be used to link disparate systems within very large health networks. By making data consistent between LISs and ordering
Similarly, the Clinisys Atlas Multi-Lab NetworkingSM capability connects labs in a large group network to better share test capacity, more efficiently route orders, and integrate results reporting across disparate LISs.